2.在inculudes/lib_article.php 中
if ($requirement != '')
$sql = 'SELECT article_id, title, author, add_time, file_url, open_type' .
' FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article') .
' WHERE is_open = 1 AND ' . $cat_str . ' AND title like '%' . $requirement . '%' .//本行为要修改语句 Edited by Lingfeng
' ORDER BY article_type DESC, article_id DESC';
' WHERE is_open = 1 AND ' . $cat_str . ' AND (title like '%' . $requirement . '%' or content like '%' . $requirement . '%' )' .
function get_article_count($cat_id ,$requirement='')
global $db, $ecs;
if ($requirement != '')
$count = $db->getOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('article') . ' WHERE ' . get_article_children($cat_id) . ' AND title like '%' . $requirement . '%' and is_open = 1');
$count = $db->getOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('article') . ' WHERE ' . get_article_children($cat_id) . ' AND ( title like '%' . $requirement . '%' or content like '%' . $requirement . '%') AND is_open = 1');
这样以后首页就可以搜索文章了哦 版权声明: 本站资源均来自互联网或会员发布,如果侵犯了您的权益请与我们联系,我们将在24小时内删除!谢谢!
转载请注明: ecshop首页文章搜索框功能增加方法